
Best Minecraft mods in 2022 | PC Gamer - hinesableatifes69

The best Minecraft mods

Minecraft mods - Minecolonies - artistic screenshot showing a large town of stone and wood buildings at sunset.
(Image credit: Mojang, modded away Let's Dev Together)

Trying to find the superior Minecraft mods to start a brand new adventure with? If you'Re looking to add together some cocoa to the vanilla feel for of Minecraft, mods are a good choice. From minor gameplay improvements and quality of life updates to massive gameplay additions and total rebalances of Minecraft's core itself, mods reveal a brand occident to play in. They can too let you relive your favorite Mario memories or craft alongside enormous numbers of other players.

Minecraft 1.18 update is out in the worldly concern now, and some of our favorite big mods undergo already updated to the new version of the game. Steady the mods that are still happening older versions are still valuable trying out. We've picked out every the biggest and best mods that wish make youe next humanity Sir Thomas More convenient, more magical, or way more complicated—whatever your druthers may be.

This number of the best Minecraft mods has been updated for 2022, with all the go-to-meeting modpacks and standalone mods you keister take on right in real time.

How to install Minecraft mods

How to install Minecraft mods

We've thankfully emotional away from the days when mods required complex rituals to put in. Modpack launchers have made trying out new collections easier than of all time. Of course, if you'd like a Sir Thomas More custom experience, you can still put in mods manually, you'll just need to be redolent of version compatibility with your Minecraft set u. Many older mods Don't get updated, or have passed happening to new keepers to update, mod managers like MultiMC are a huge help.

Aboard this is Fabric, which is obligatory for many different mods aboard Fabric API. In fact, some of the mods below volition require them. And atomic number 4 aware, you English hawthorn have to go rearwards to older versions of Forge to run around mods, as they whitethorn not keep going the newest variation of Minecraft. If you need help, this guide for how to install mods on older versions of Minecraft should be usable.

Minecraft mod managers

For the best point of control finished your Minecraft mods and instances, MultiMC is the mode to go game. You put up keep different groups of mods separate from extraordinary another, for example, if you have a few different configurations you enjoy playing. It's likewise an umbrella rocket launcher that gives you easy access to installing modpacks from CurseForge, Feed The Beast, Technic, and more.

If you just desire to play some of the best modpacks on this list, or apace junction a server that's exploitation one, the CurseForge rocket launcher will let you do so. It's an easy to purpose mod catapult that handles mods for lots of other games, so you may already be using it. There are tons of modpacks for all versions of Minecraft on CurseForge, so you can find hardly about anything you're looking to try.

Feed The Beast
Feed The Beast is some other platform full of great modpacks and victimization its own launcher is the means to go if you'Ra only interested in loading up something like FTB Book of Revelation or FTB Infinity. New modpacks get added to FTB pretty regularly, so IT's a handy way to examine new slipway to play without managing your own mods heel.

Scoop Minecraft modpacks

If you deprivation to overhaul your Minecraft experience with super wide tech trees operating theater quests operating room even Pokémon, modpacks can do that. Instead of making your own mods list and checking for compatibility and rendering updates, modpacks hand out you a integral new rooms of selections that have already been curated. All of these packs can Be played direct the launcher mere, which means IT's super quick and windy to install and mother playing.

 SkyFactory 4

Minecraft Mods - SkyFactory 4 - A floating collection of platforms with trees, cows, pigs, and other things

(Image credit: Mojang)

Minecraft version: 1.12.2
Play it on:
CurseForge Launcher or download Here

As pretty much the ultimate evolution of the skyblock style of modpack/map, SkyFactory 4 gives some serious upper-class of biography improvements to the experience. Atomic number 102 longer wish you toil for Minecraft-years happening some parts of resource assembly, like-minded sieving. SkyFactory 4 besides automatically tracks what you've effected in an advancement system (without lockup you into following information technology), and adds a new "Prestige" system that lets you unlock parvenue mods and tech in an open patterned advance system that ports across your different worlds.

FTB Revelation

Minecraft Mods - FTB Revelation - The Revelation logo

(Image credit: Mojang)

Minecraft version: 1.12
Play it along:
Feed The Beast Catapult

An big kitchen sink dash pack, Book of Revelation has a bottomless fountainhead of mods of all kinds. If you want to sort through a near-endless pile up of options for your experience, Revelation brings in everything from magic mods like Botania and Thaumcraft to technology in Immersive Engineering and EnderIO, and combines them with quality of life and opposite mods some obscure and popular. In whole, Revelation is the largest pack on the Feed the Animal catapult, and you can easily get lost in information technology.

Engineers Life 2

Minecraft Mods - Engineers Life 2 - A selection of building blocks and decoration

(Paradigm credit: Mojang)

Minecraft version: 1.16.5
Play it on:
CurseForge Launcher or download here

Focused on victimization fewer mods with more impact, Engineer's Life 2 centers around the first-class Immersive Engineering mod (which you'll see out more more or less in our individual mods). It adds a variety of quality of life improvements, quests, things to explore for, and revolves around creating interesting looking technology-focused builds at your own pace. Information technology also contains some additions for the explorer that lives in us every, with refinements connected hole-and-corner dungeons and mob spawners and quest-settled advance.

Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons

Minecraft Mods - Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons - A dark dungeon intersection with multiple hallways

(Image citation: Mojang)

Minecraft version: 1.12.2
Gambling IT on:
CurseForge Catapult or download Hera

Act up you favor to current life dangerously, seeking the next horizon or bureau afloat of shekels? Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons is focused on getting you out and exploring and risking your blocky neck instead of trapped in your filth hut browsing complicated recipes. With eightfold mods introducing other dimensions like Twilight Forest, Aether, and Betweenlands, and others adding new structures and dungeons to the overworld, you'll ne'er comprise without new-sprung sights to control. Thankfully, whatsoever you find there, you nates also carry with you thanks to Improved Backpacks, before finding just the right on biome for your trophy room with Nature's Compass.

SevTech Ages

Minecraft Mods - SevTech Ages - The SevTech Ages logo on black

(Image credit: Mojang)

Minecraft version: 1.12.2
Play it on:
CurseForge Rocket launcher or download here

Similar to the ages of a plot equal Civilization, SevTech Ages drops you into the world with barely the ability to bang rocks together. As you get to figure out the basics, SevTech lets you progress through massive tech trees of achievements, gradually unlocking more and more useful features and recipes (and the diverse mods they draw from) atomic number 3 you master each set of tools or blocks. It's a wonderful slow burn pack to undertake with friends operating room alone, as long as you enjoy advancement at a slower pace.


Minecraft Mods - Pixelmon - Ash stands inside a small building

(Image credit: Mojang)

Minecraft variant: 1.12.2
Maneuver it on:
CurseForge Launcher or download Here

Pokémon has reached down to the Minecraft world in the strain of the Pixelmon mod, and the Pixelmon modpack optimizes it with few select additions. Hither, you can search the world for rare and quaint Pokémon, capture them with pokéballs that you purchase in towns or make yourself, breed Pokémon to optimize them, and battle against other players, NPC trainers, or knob/mega evolved Pokémon in the wild. Supremely open terminated and the perfect vacation spot to create a multiplayer server (or just mess around animation your best trainer life) Pixelmon is a supremely unique experience that captures roughly of the best of the Pokémon games.

Best Minecraft Mods


Minecraft mod - Minecolonies - artistic screenshot showing a large town of stone and wood buildings at sunset.

(Image credit: Mojang, modded away Let's Dev Together)

Minecraft rendering: 1.18.1 | Download link

Minecolonies is a huge mod that essentially turns Minecraft into a township management simulation. If you're much about exploring than building, but still want to feel same you've very left your mark, maybe become the caretaker of a Minecraft colony. You'll manage Nonproliferation Center village workers, design the location on structures, and direct security against monsters. It even works in multiplayer, so you can set this one up happening a server with your friends.

Biomes O'Plenty

(Image credit entry: Forstride)

Minecraft adaptation: 1.18.1 | Download relate

Since the 'Update That Changed The World' in deep 2013, at that place's been a bit more diversity in Minecraft worlds. But Biomes O'Plenty adds vastly more—75 to be exact—from brushland and coral reefs, through lavender fields and menacing woods, to tundra and waste. You'll pauperization to create a New Worl to use information technology (pass wate confident to prime the 'Biomes O'Plenty' world generation option), but it's worth it to see corners of Minecraft that you've never seen before.


Minecraft mods - Journeymap - A grid showing a partially explored Minecraft forest area from above with several interface options.

Minecraft version: 1.18.1 | Download link

Maps are great for trying to keep a rough idea of where you are or where you're heading. That said, there's always room for improvement.

Opine Google Maps, only for Minecraft and you'll consume a jolly good idea of what this stylish does. Specifically, it lets folk view a more real-time map in-game, and happening the mini-map, equally well every bit beingness able to view the map online via a network web browser. If you're charting your next journeying, and it's going to take you far, far away from the sanctitude of your home cornerstone, then this mod is a mustiness.

Twilight Forest

Minecraft variant: 1.17.1 | Download tie

Love adventuring? This mod adds a new, densely-forested dimension shrouded in perpetual twilight that hides both valuable treasures and dangerous monsters. Throw a baseball diamond into a pool of water surrounded by flowers to produce a portal in that respect, then spend a while roaming roughly. You'll determine hedge mazes, hollow hills, enchanted groves, glaciers, lich towers and more with rich rewards for those that delve the deepest.

Pam's HarvestCraft 2

Minecraft interpretation: 1.17.1 | Download tie

Pam's HarvestCraft 2 is the sequel to the extremely popular original, and it's split itself into four separate—but directly related—mods. Above wholly else, Pam's HarvestCraft succeeds at qualification your Minecraft world feel more vibrant and alive. It introduces countless new foods you stern find or create, new crops to grow, and dozens of new types of fruiting trees to the landscape. Minecraft with Pam's HarvestCraft sketches your world in shades of Stardew Valley and lets you become an expert chef making everything from mac & cheeseflower to jelly donuts.

Provok and Ice: Dragons

Best Minecraft mods - firce and ice dragons - A green dragon and blue dragon flying over a Minecraft mountain.

(Effigy credit: Raptorfarian and Alexthe666)

Minecraft interpretation: 1.16.5 | Download link

Raptorfarian and Alexthe666's Ice and Fire: Dragons is a mod that adds a whole shipment of fantasy creatures into the base game. The list is huge, including the likes of hippogryphs, gorgons, dread liches, sea serpents, hydras, pixies, cyclopes, trolls, death worms, and ghosts. Dragons are the highlight of the mod though, letting you train, rall, and Holman Hunt the fabulous beasts. You can guile dragon equipment, find oneself dragon eggs, and explore Dragon caverns where special loot lies.


Best Minecraft mods - create - Several wooden gears connected to one another.

(Image credit: Create)

Minecraft version: 1.18.1 | Download link

Create focuses happening mechanization and takes Minecraft mechanisms to the close level. IT's all based happening rotational power and kinetics so a crop of gears and cogwheels have been introduced and are waiting for you to experiment with. Of course, gearboxes, range of mountains drives, conveyor belts, clutches, pulleys, and levers are also there to help bring your uncanny and wonderful creations to aliveness.


(Picture cite: Vazkii)

Minecraft version: 1.16.5 | Download link

Some Minecraft mods add powerful magical items. Others add intricate machinery. Botania just adds flowers—but wow, what flowers. Flowers that heal you. Flowers that feed animals. Flowers that change state hostile mobs against to each one else. Flowers that eat cake. Oh, and did I mention that you've can likewise use flowers to create a magical portal vein to a world of elves? If you want to try something wildly disparate from most other mods, Botania is it.

Astral Sorcery

Minecraft Mods - Astral Sorcery - An altar lit up at night

(Image credit: Mojang)

Minecraft version: 1.15.2 |

Download link up

Whether you'ray really into star divination or just equal consummate at the dark sky, Astral Sorcery has you covered with an incredible suite of magical options. Based around stars and constellations—with all of its major constructions and rituals happening at night—this adds often needed depth to Minecraft's dangerous pitch-dark hours. Heavenly body Sorcery's structures are as wel some of the prettiest in Minecraft, with beautiful marble fountains and ritual platforms, positive it lets you set leading a stellar travel network to move between locations instantly: an amazing boon for multiplayer servers.

Witchcraft & Wizardry

(Image credit: Mojang)

Minecraft version: 1.16.5 | Download link

While Witchcraft &ere; Genius is actually an implausibly impressive custom map and not a fashionable, it sure does feel like one. The entire thing recreates the Harry Potter world with so much precision and creativity that information technology's an amazing choice to play through, either alone or with some friends. Information technology feels like a genuine RPG with quests, puzzles, and your own story of becoming a Hogwarts student.

Additional Structures

Minecraft Mods - Additional Structures - An oasis in the desert with palm trees

(Image credit: Mojang)

Minecraft version: 1.12.2 |

Download link

Additional Structures functions as a much-needed aesthetical toolbox for Minecraft, adding everything from elementary logs, rocks, and bushes to undone builds, dungeons with traps and treasure, and much more. Entirely told, 155+ new structures breed in your world with Additional Structures, and really diversify the landscape. Best of all, it plays really swell with Traverse, Biomes O' Heap, and Biome Bundle, which are all first-class mods that add many biomes to explore in your worlds.

Immersive Engine room

Minecraft Mods - Immersive Engineering - A conveyer belt and power is laid out on the grass

(Image credit: Mojang)

Minecraft version: 1.16.6 |

Download link

To the highest degree technical school mods in Minecraft seem somewhere between sci-fi futuristic and black box technology, with bolshie pipes and various blocks that spit up taboo resources or control vast functions. Immersive Engineering takes a totally different feeler, basing its methods in a more realistic look up to and summons. Force is carried by wires you string, can light leading your bases and magnate your recently machines, avail you break down ores to get much resources or dig ahead new ones, bulk produce items, and also happens to expression awful with its windmills and power lines.

Trumpet Skeleton

Minecraft Mods - Skeleton Trumpet - A beautiful skeleton doots softly on his trumpet in the dark woods

(Project credit: Mojang)

Minecraft version: 1.16.1 | Download link

Survive the coming skeleton war. Embrace the DOOT.

Minecraft Utility mods

Minecraft mod - JEI - an interface showing ingredients still needed for a recipe.

(Image credit: Mojang (modded past Mezz))


Minecraft version: 1.7.2 - 1.18| Download link
Minecraft doesn't scale too healthy to the power of fast or slow machines. IT runs surprisingly poorly on bass-end laptops, and a high-end manipulate can't execute so much with its extra oomph. Enter Optifine—a mod that not only makes Minecraft run for faster but also look far better. IT supports HD textures, smooth lighting, and much, and framerate double is not unusual. IT's one of the first things we usually add up when installment Minecraft.

Just Sufficiency Items (JEI)

Minecraft version: 1.16.5| Download link
Just Enough Items is the successor of the older NotEnoughItems mod that lets you search for materials in-game and see all of its recipes. IT's often included in modpacks, helping you learn the recipes for new items you're not yet acquainted.

Here's What You're Look (HWYLA)

Minecraft version 1.12.2 - 1.16.3| Download link
HWYLA is a fork from the old popular public-service corporation What Am I Looking At. Among other things, IT shows a tooltip with the name of the block Oregon object your cursor is pointing at. This is another utility program that's much included in modpacks, and we'd recommend including it in your possess mod collection if you'atomic number 75 perpetually scrape your head speculative what that close u you've never seen before is.


Minecraft version: 1.18.1 | Download data link
Death happens in Minecraft's survival modality, whether you slipped off a mountainside patc exploring, got cornered in a cave, operating theatre bu got distracted. IT can represent annihilative to mislay the stallion table of contents of your inventory simply because you couldn't find oneself your chalk outline fast enough. With Headstone, you'll drop curtain a critical parry when you die—labelled with your name—that you can break to get your stuff any time you'd like. Life sentence after death!

Storage Drawers

Minecraft reading: 1.18.1 | Download link
Do you have untamed chests? Is your reposition system more of a entrepot disaster? Nothing will ever compare to the intuitive feeling of having all your item storage perfectly sorted and tidy. In vanilla Minecraft, this is an uphill task, and often uncomparable where it feels like you're pushing a boulder. Storage Drawers eliminates all of the worst parts of the hassle, and does IT with style. You can make quartered, halved, or full sets of drawers in a variety of wood types, and it even displays the contents and capacity on the front. Bully freaks and the mussy types can finally coexist with ease.

Lauren Morton

Lauren loves long books and even thirster RPGs. She got a lame design degree and then, stupidly, refused to impart the midwest. She plays indie games you oasis't detected of and will never pass by on a story about players breaking games or playing them wrong.


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