
What Would Happen If You Put A Mirror In A Scanner

Name____________________ Surname____________________ Class________ Date _______

1.Match the types of Conditionals to their use.

1) Provisional Type 0expresses         a) Communication

2) Conditional Type 1expresses         b) A general truth

3) Conditional Type twoexpresses         с) An imaginary situation contrary to facts in the present

four) Provisional Blazon 3 ­ expressesA      d) real or very probable state of affairs in the present/hereafter

  1.                                          east) Regrets or criticism

                                             f) Something that always happens as a consequence of                                                      something else

                                            k) An imaginary situation reverse to facts in the past

two. Consummate the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

one. If she weren't and so lazy, she _____________ (become) a brilliant student.

ii. I am not certain what I am doing this night, but if I get out, I _____________ (phone) you.

iii. If Steve hadn't bought a lottery ticket, he _____________ (not/win) $one million.

4. We usually_____________ (walk) home together if we both _____________ (finish) at the aforementioned time.

five. If the police question yous, _____________ (tell) them the truth.

6. Dairy products continue longer if y'all _____________ (put) them into the refrigerator.

7. She would non accept stolen the food if her child_________________ (not/be) hungry.

8. If you _____________ (leave) ice in the sun, information technology _____________ (melt).

ix. If Jack had planned it carefully, he _________________ (non/take) so many bug.

x. He is a very wise person. I __________________ (speak) to him if I were you.

3. A) Put the words into the right order.

1. gone / visit/ known / you / were / hospital / if / I'd / have / I'd / to/ in / you ________________________________________________________________________

2. have / we / find / had / been / compass / wouldn't / if / a / able / to / our / fashion / hadn't / we ________________________________________________________________________

iii. it / window / stopped / have / ball / if / wouldn't / broken / the / the / you'd ________________________________________________________________________

4. would / by bugs / bought / stung / nosotros / if / have / got / I / insect / hadn't / repellent ________________________________________________________________________

five. I / casino / money / in / hadn't / if / have / lost / paid / my / I'd / bills ________________________________________________________________________

half-dozen. I'd / my / race / broken / I / won / if / accept / leg / that / hadn't ________________________________________________________________________

7. loudly / permit / hadn't / in / if / have / us / the / y'all / there / spoken / she'd / stay / library ________________________________________________________________________

viii. we'd / accept / defenseless / before / our / if / we'd / arrived / railroad train ________________________________________________________________________

B) Read the statements for each sentence from part A). Marking them T (TRUE) or F (FALSE).

one. The speaker feels distressing. ____

2. The speaker is happy they took their compass ____

3. The speaker thinks the broken window is his mistake. ____

iv. The speaker doesn't take issues with insects. ____

         5. The speaker didn't run out of money. ____

         6. The speaker is happy he isn't in the race.____

         7.The speaker is happy to be with her friend. ____

         8. The speaker is annoyed that they left late. ____

iv. Read the dialogue. Complete it using the phrases from the table.

Jack: Hey, Steve! Y'all wait upset. What's happened?

Steve: Information technology's our anniversary with Jessica today. But I accept no idea what to do.

Jack: Calm downwardly, buddy! I'm sure1) _________________________, yous'll find something. How about chocolates and flowers? Girls beloved them very much.

Steve: Ha, nice try. 2)___________________________, I would take bought them immediately.

Jack: Invite her to the restaurant. Just think - candles, sounds of violins and delicacies. 3)__________________________, yous will enjoy the romantic atmosphere and tasty dinner at the same time.

Steve: I did it final year and our evening was ruined. By the way, it was your fault!

Jack: My fault? Why? What did I do?

Steve: Information technology'south more what you didn't do. Jessica is your sister.4) _____________________________________, I wouldn't have taken her to the 'Steak House'. And at present she thinks I'1000 a fell guy eating trivial cows. Tsss. Here she's coming. Hullo, Jess! Darling … What? She has just walked right past me. What have I done?

Jack: Umm…Steve, I approximate I know what seems to be the problem. What is the exact date of your ceremony?

Steve: The 27th of July.

Jack: Steve, information technology's the 28th of July today. 5) ______________________ ______________, you wouldn't have mixed up the days. She looks furious! six) __________________________, I'd stay abroad from her for a while.

A) if she hadn't had an allergy to both of them

B) if you recollect a bit

C) if you had been more attentive

D) if you go there

E) if I were you lot

F) if you had told me that she was a vegetarian

5. Use your own ideas to consummate these sentences.

one) If she doesn't do her homework, ____________________________________________

ii) I'd feel very angry if  _____________________________________________________

3) They wouldn't take missed their flight if ______________________________________

4) Would Ted mind if I _______________________________________________without asking him?

v) If this student were practiced at English, _________________________________________

half dozen. Listen to the vocal "If I had a 1000000 dollars" and put a tick () next to the things the person would do if he had this money.

1. make furniture for the house

ii. buy a real fur coat

3. build a tree fort in the k

4. spend a week in the castle

5. buy an ordinary pet

6. walk to the store

7. go on a cruise

8. bulldoze a limousine

9. swallow more Kraft dinner

10. buy really expensive ketchup

*Answer the question. What would yous do if you had $1 million dollars? _____________________________________________________________________

one. Lucifer the types of Conditionals to their use.

ii. Complete the sentences. Use the correct grade of the verbs in brackets.

3. A) Put the words into the correct order.

ane – If I'd known you were in hospital, I'd accept gone to visit yous.

2 – If we hadn't had a compass, nosotros wouldn't have been able to detect our way.

three – If you'd stopped the ball, it wouldn't have cleaved the window.

4 – If I hadn't bought insect repellent, we would have got stung by bugs.

5 – If I hadn't lost money in casino, I'd have paid my bills.

vi – If I hadn't broken my leg, I'd have won that race.

7 – If yous hadn't spoken loudly in the library, she'd have let united states stay there.

8 – If nosotros'd arrived earlier, we'd have caught our railroad train.

B) Read the statements. Marking them T (Truthful) or F (FALSE)

4. Read the dialogue. Consummate information technology using the phrases from the table.

5. Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.

Your students' ain ideas.

6. Listen to the song "If I had a million dollars" and put a tick ( ) next to the things the person would do if he had this money.

three. build a tree fort in the yard

8. drive a limousine

9. eat more than Kraft dinner

x. purchase really expensive ketchup

Song "If I had a million dollars" by Barenaked Ladies.

Source: https://урок.рф/library/proverochnaya_rabota_po_anglijskomu_yaziku_po_teme_co_203754.html

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